今天大學(xué)路小編整理了劍橋雅思考試全真試題集9的全面解析 2023年10月19日雅思閱讀考試真題及答案相關(guān)內(nèi)容,希望能幫助到大家,一起來看下吧。
鳥瞰《劍9》聽力 一、新題or舊題
雖然《劍9》剛剛出爐,但從上表可以看出,其收錄的題目集中出現(xiàn)在09年以前,并在之后多次考過。由于《劍9》的出版,這些題目將從題庫中淘汰出來,以后不會再用?! ∽ⅲ罕碇蠽xxxx表示機經(jīng)版本號 二、場景
場景方面,《劍9》可謂中規(guī)中矩,沒有太多的驚喜。 找工作、租房、旅游、醫(yī)院注冊、學(xué)習(xí)討論等有些“老調(diào)重彈“的味道。比如Test 3 Section 3論文討論場景,標(biāo)題里出現(xiàn)了tutorial這個詞,如果考生能將其直接理解為“課程”,那對于整個section的題目將會很有幫助。所以,針對這些高頻場景,考生平時要善于總結(jié)和背誦一些特色詞匯,特別要從發(fā)音的角度,記憶單詞?! ∪?、題型
從上圖不難看出,《劍9》中的雅思聽力十大題型,summary缺席,outline題目數(shù)量最多,table和單選所占比重不小,short-answer question出現(xiàn)最少,這跟2013年第一季度雅思聽力考試的情況極為相似。
題型方面,仍以填空題為主,填空題和選擇題比重大致為2:1。重點考察的還是單詞的辨音能力,??嫉狞c有:數(shù)字十幾和幾十的區(qū)別、名詞單復(fù)數(shù),如Test 3 Section 4第40題,有的考生在寫答案時,容易在15和50中糾結(jié)和徘徊。 四、 難度 《劍9》作為劍橋雅思系列家族新成員,聽力部分整體難度與《劍2-8》相當(dāng),無論是場景、題型、語音、語調(diào)、語速,還是考點詞,都是對《劍2-8》的一個延續(xù),這也是意料之中的事情?! ∧嬉u《劍9》聽力 有人把世界上的青年分成三種:普通青年、文藝青年、二逼青年。雅思江湖中也有三種考生:普通烤鴨、文藝烤鴨、二逼烤鴨。無論哪一款,都曾被雅思折磨過?! ∑胀绝喺f:為何我待雅思如初戀,雅思偏要虐我千百遍?! ∥乃嚳绝喺f:雅思,好想在高考前6個月遇見你,因為那是人生一段驚艷的時光,上知天體運行原理,下知有機無機反應(yīng),左有橢圓雙曲線,右有雜交生物圈,外可說英語,內(nèi)可休古文,求得了函數(shù),聊得來馬哲,溯源中華上下五千年,延推赤州陸海百萬千,既懂音樂美術(shù)計算機,兼修武術(shù)民俗老虎鉗?! 《瓶绝喺f:不想再和雅思談戀愛,嘿嘿,贊人品、求分手?! ∪绾螐难潘悸犃?分*絲,逆襲為6分達(dá)人,甚至進階到7分高富帥,方法多種多樣、千奇百怪,但萬變不離其中。獨孤九劍之破劍式告訴我們:破劍式用以破解普天下各門各派的劍法,雖只一式,但其集中天下各門各派劍法要義兼收并蓄,雖說“無招”,卻是以普天下劍法之招數(shù)為根基。另外,時刻牢記“天下武學(xué),唯快不破“,速度的判斷和速度的出手,在敵人出手的一剎那察覺敵人的破綻,然后在敵人來不及變招的情況下速度的制敵。雅思聽力與此相通,審題的速度決定解題的高度,遺憾的是無數(shù)的考生都栽倒在這個環(huán)節(jié);錄音開始前的30秒,何其關(guān)鍵,可卻有人偏偏漠視它。尤其2013年,聽力選擇題長度和難度日益加大,審題越來越重要?! 秳?》的出現(xiàn),除了增加4套真題可供練習(xí)外,烤鴨應(yīng)該巧用《劍9》進行審題訓(xùn)練,具體方法如下: 1、 打開任意一個section,計時30秒,瀏覽一遍題目; 2、 不要計時,把剛才的section再看一遍; 3、 對兩遍的審題進行比較,調(diào)整審題思路,提升精準(zhǔn)定位的能力?! ∫陨蠟檠潘悸犃μ岱中姆ǎ芯壢说弥?。 從去年下半年,江湖上就一直流傳著關(guān)于《劍橋雅思全真試題集9》(以下簡稱《劍9》)的各種傳言,終于在3月5號,比預(yù)計發(fā)行時間提早一個月露出了它的真面目?! ∠旅姘选秳?》中的口語部分具體內(nèi)容總結(jié)如下:
縱觀《劍9》全部四套試題,口語出題形式和題型都沒有發(fā)生任何改變。第一部分都是考生相對比較熟悉,較為簡單的話題,可以看做是個熱身(Warm up),主要目的是幫助考生放松心情,更好的進入考試狀態(tài)。但是作為第一次參加考試的同學(xué)需要注意,第一部分不止一個話題,考官一般會就三個主要話題對考生進行提問,每個話題下都會有4到5個小問題,第一部分考試整體用時大約5分鐘。其中的第一個話題大多(9成以上的考生)都是圍繞Hometown, Accommodation和Study/Work展開,而第二和第三個話題會由考官隨機選取。 《劍9》口語第二部分的話題仍舊圍繞人物(People),地點(Places),物品(Objects)和事件(Events)展開.比如“描述一個你喜歡去的露天或是街邊的集市”屬于地點類的題目,“描述一件你做過新穎或者*的事情”和“描述一次你記憶中做車,坐飛機或是坐船的旅程”都屬于事件類,而“描述一個樂于助人的人”屬于人物類話題??忌跍?zhǔn)備第二部分的話題時,可以根據(jù)話題的不同類別加以合理的拓展和描述。例如在描述人物類的話題時,應(yīng)當(dāng)選取人物的一到兩個比較特別的性格特點,附加實際事例或故事加以闡述。描述地點類的話題時通過Where (具*置,坐落在哪), When (去的頻率或是最近一次去的時間), Who(自己還是別人一起去), What (什么樣子的,可以看到,*到,玩到,吃到些什么)and Why (為什么喜歡)來拓展思路。而事件類的題目主要集中在描述事件的內(nèi)容和感受上?! 秳?》第三部分的題目來看,仍舊集中在五大題型上,它們分別是:Describe(例如What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?),Compare and Contrast(例如Do you think children and *s learn to do new things in the same way?),Discuss advantages and disadvantages(例如What do you think are advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?),Explain(例如Why do people need to travel every day?)Express and Justify opinions(例如, Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the you agreeor disagree with that? Why?). 就以往的《劍橋雅思全真試題集(1-8)》來看,書中收錄的聽力,閱讀和寫作的所有考題都是從題庫中淘汰的舊題,在今后的雅思考試中不會再次原題重現(xiàn)。但是口語卻是個例外,題庫只會增加新題,很少淘汰老題目,很多老話題做適當(dāng)?shù)恼{(diào)整或修改后出現(xiàn)在不同的部分而已,例如《劍橋雅思全真試題集8》(以下簡稱《劍8》)Test1, Part1的話題neighbor經(jīng)過改編后成為了去年9月到12月雅思口語考試中第二部分描述人物的一個話題,叫做Describe a neighbor of yours. 《劍9》Test1, Part1的話題Game變成了Describe a game (not sports game) in your childhood,而Test3, Part2的話題Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat]that you remember well,變成了Describe a perfect holiday/vacation you would like to have. 并都出現(xiàn)在了2013年1月以來的考之中。原題重現(xiàn)也是非常頻繁的事情,例如《劍8》Test2, Part2的Topic “Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to”就以原題的形式出現(xiàn)在《劍8》發(fā)行一年后,2012年4月的考試中。而《劍9》Test3, Part1的話題Telephoning正是今年1月份雅思口語考試第一部分的高頻話題之一?! 【C上所述,只要考生做到考前認(rèn)真歸納總結(jié),掌握雅思口語考官的出槍軌跡,即每種題型的解題思路和方法,并開口加以練習(xí),就可以見招拆招,力達(dá)槍尖,一招破槍! 《劍橋雅思考試全真試題集9》(下文簡稱《劍9》)已于3月5日正式出版發(fā)行,雅思江湖硝煙再起。作為新航道的雅思教頭,本師在第一時間研讀此書,就A類閱讀部分進行了分析,希望幫助廣大雅思考生揭開《劍9》的神秘面紗,贈送“烤鴨”破除閱讀刀法之秘技?! ∽鳛檠潘伎荚嚨闹鬓k方之一,劍橋大學(xué)考試委員會上一次發(fā)布《劍橋雅思考試全真試題集8》是在2011年3月底。時隔兩年,再次發(fā)布《劍9》基本符合劍橋大學(xué)考試委員會的常規(guī)做法。《劍9》的發(fā)布對廣大雅思考生是權(quán)威的備考資料,對雅思培訓(xùn)教師也是不可多得的研究資源,值得大家認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)和研究。 首先希望廣大雅思考生注意的是,《劍9》里面收錄的是雅思考試的authentic past papers,即為在過去的雅思考試中真題,也就是說,在今后的雅思考試中不會再出現(xiàn)《劍9》里面收錄的真題了。所以,大家不要希望做了《劍9》,在考場上還能碰到一模一樣的題目。其實,就A類閱讀而言,《劍9》里面收錄的真題大多是在2008和2009年中國大陸地區(qū)的考試中出現(xiàn)的,近兩年出現(xiàn)的題目非常少,通過下面的表格,同學(xué)們可以了解下《劍9》A類閱讀的文章內(nèi)容和題型。
從上面的表格中,我們可以看出《劍9》中收錄的閱讀文章的背景還是以科普類的文章居多,這符合雅思考試的兩個測試特點International(國際化)和None-professional(非專業(yè)化)?! 〈送?,就題型類別上,我們通常說的雅思閱讀5種重點題型:T/F/NG(判斷題)、Matching (搭配題)、Multiple Choice (選擇題)、Summary(摘要填空)和List of Headings(標(biāo)題題)都有出現(xiàn),而且T/F/NG(判斷題)、Matching (搭配題)和Multiple Choice (選擇題)3種題型的題量占了絕對優(yōu)勢,總和接近題目總量的70%。另外我們常說的3種次要題型:Short Answer Questions (簡答題)、Sentence Completion (完成句子)和Flow-chart, Diagram and Table Completion(圖表題)在《劍9》中,Short Answer Questions (簡答題)的題量上升至17題,Sentence Completion (完成句子)也達(dá)到了15題,緊跟在前3種絕對優(yōu)勢的重點題型之后,值得廣大“烤鴨”們注意?! 〗Y(jié)合2013年前兩個月的考試,T/F/NG(判斷題)和Matching (搭配題)依舊獨領(lǐng)*,是雅思閱讀的重點刀法,但在近兩個月的考試中,幾乎每次都出現(xiàn)了Summary(摘要填空)這一刀。不要認(rèn)為《劍9》里Summary(摘要填空)只出現(xiàn)兩次,共7題就是不重要的題型了,平時的備考也不用多練習(xí)了,那就可能成為雅思考官的“刀下游魂”了! 最后,本師還想就如何使用《劍9》來破雅思閱讀之刀提供自己的心經(jīng)。建議“烤鴨”們把《劍9》的閱讀部分做3遍(即3個層次)以達(dá)真正破解之道。第1個層次,修煉要點是把《劍9》閱讀每篇文章的每道題真正搞懂,達(dá)到能夠“解釋”的水平。也就是說,不要心里認(rèn)為自己懂了,而是要用清晰的語言把每道題目的考查點和解題思路說出來,能“解釋”給別人聽,這才算是過關(guān)。第2個層次,不是在做題了,而是訓(xùn)練對考官“出刀方位”的敏感度。修煉要點是看到《劍9》閱讀的每道題,不用翻看前面的文章,能把原文中考點對應(yīng)的句子復(fù)述出來?!翱绝啞眰兛赡芏加兴私?如果你遇到過雅思閱讀明師,這里沒有寫錯,是“明師”而不是“名師”,指的是“明白的老師”):雅思考官使用閱讀刀法的核心是“同義替換”。只有在第2個層次上對這一核心進行密集訓(xùn)練,才能突破限制,揮手破刀。最后,第3個層次是更高的要求,是希望考到閱讀7分以上的“烤鴨”們應(yīng)該修煉的步驟:精讀《劍9》A類閱讀的12篇文章。修煉要點是精讀文章中句子與句子之間的銜接,分析出每句話之間的銜接關(guān)系和銜接手法。修煉完這個層次的“烤鴨”能達(dá)到正本清源,甚至能開閱讀之“天眼”:不再通過理解一個接一個句子去獲取信息,而是通過篇章及段落的信息組織方法去預(yù)知、驗證及判斷信息。這已經(jīng)超越了雅思閱讀本身,而是學(xué)術(shù)閱讀的高級階段。真正在考官出手之前就看到了出刀的軌跡,達(dá)到“空手奪白刃”,高手啊! “烤鴨”們,《劍9》給大家多了一本修煉的材料,希望本師上述的解析幫助大家修煉成功,早日破解雅思閱讀之刀,要努力哦! Task 1 Briefing 《劍9》收集了3套數(shù)據(jù)類作文題和1套地圖題,基本沿襲了《劍8》中數(shù)據(jù)類作文題和非數(shù)據(jù)類作文題3:1的格局。下面將分別予以分析。 數(shù)據(jù)類作文題 《劍9》中的這類題目分別是bar chart, pie chart和line graph.雖然圖形不同,但是特點一致:都是有時間跨度的動態(tài)圖形,涉及的時間分別是1995-2002,2000/2050,1980-2030。這一組合與以前的《劍》系列真題相比較而言,有兩點值得關(guān)注。 第一,《劍9》沒有選擇靜態(tài)圖形。 但是我們不認(rèn)為在今后的備考中不需要重視靜態(tài)圖形了,這一點需引起大家重視??v觀2012年task 1數(shù)據(jù)類作文題,靜態(tài)圖形的比例約為45%。這對于一些“言圖表必稱趨勢”的考生尤其重要——不要因《劍9》的無心之舉而自作多情,需知有些情是傷不起的。不過,這個安排并不是很過分,因為動態(tài)圖形在考試中確實“大眾”一些。 在此提醒自認(rèn)為容易“陰溝里翻船”的考生,應(yīng)該根據(jù)自己的智力和心理特點,充分準(zhǔn)備這類題型,否則考試的時候,就只能明明白白地看著自己需要再次光臨“雅”舍?! 〉诙?,《劍9》有兩套題都涉及了將來時間?! ≡谥暗恼骖}集中,只有劍5 test 1(1940-2040)出現(xiàn)過將來時間,成為很多同學(xué)練習(xí)中的一個難點,但涉及將來時間的相關(guān)題目在最近兩年屢見不鮮。這類題目多涉及對于將來情況的預(yù)測、規(guī)劃等,考生自己一定要熟悉projection/project(v.)/plan/forecast/estimate等詞的靈活使用。在此提醒對于圖表作文時態(tài)處理還不夠從容的考生,苦心練“劍”的時候,可不能枉費了《劍9》選編者的此番苦心。否則,落花有意,流水無情,豈不可惜? 非數(shù)據(jù)類作文題 《劍9》Test 1收錄了地圖題一套,呈現(xiàn)了一個小島(據(jù)圖所示,非桃花島,似椰樹島)的歷史舊貌和規(guī)劃建設(shè)之后的現(xiàn)狀,寫作中突出一個“變”字,即要考生比較兩者,寫出椰樹島的變化。此題一出,即與《劍5》Test 3的地圖題遙相呼應(yīng),較為完美的呈現(xiàn)了現(xiàn)行題庫中地圖題的廬山真貌。相比之下,《劍5》地圖題沒有時間推移,亦無滄海桑田,寫作重在一個“比”字,即要考生對圖中兩點進行全方位的比較對比。我傾向于把《劍5》test 3所代表的歸類為靜態(tài)地圖題,而把《劍9》test 1所代表的歸類為動態(tài)地圖題。在2009年以來的地圖題當(dāng)中,以動態(tài)類地圖題為主。因此,《劍9》這道題具有十分重要的地位。在培訓(xùn)和備考中,應(yīng)該將其納入講學(xué)必備的題目當(dāng)中??忌匀恍枰屑?xì)查閱考官范文,總結(jié)其中寫作心法。心法既得,萬象皆空?! ask 2 Briefing 《劍》系列真題中的task 2作文題目尤其引人注目。不過這次的《劍9》和江湖上對于“新書出新題”的預(yù)期大相徑庭,不論從題目的題型還是話題選擇上,都沒有肩負(fù)起其作為題庫道德楷模的責(zé)任和展示“新題型”的義務(wù),大有我行我素、笑傲江湖之風(fēng)?! ☆}型分析 《劍9》所選的4套A類task 2真題都屬于Argumentation(論辯型題目)的類型,盡管具體的提問方式有所差別(如Table 1所示),2套G類task 2題目也同屬此類。也就是說,此選集中沒有選擇Reasons/Solutions(RS)題型的題目,或者RS與Argumentation綜合類的題目。對此現(xiàn)象的解讀遠(yuǎn)沒有澄清對此的誤讀更重要——“我們只需要準(zhǔn)備第一類題目即可,因為《劍9》展示了這一點”,其中道理與本文在task 1 briefing部分的說明一致。2013年2月23日的考試task 2題目即是要求考生談?wù)摓槭裁船F(xiàn)在大學(xué)生選擇純理科科目的人不多極其影響,即RS題型。 不過,《劍9》的這種選擇方式仍然情有可原,因為在歷年考試以及題庫中,Argumentation題型的確占據(jù)絕大部分,很多情況下都可超越8成的比例??傊?,只要讀者面對這個選集的時候不要過度意淫其旨,則不會對其身心健康不利?! able 1
話題及題源分析 《劍9》中的4套A類寫作題目涉及的話題均為雅思考試中屢考不衰的“百年老題”,分別為教育(2題)、公共健康(1題)、語言文化(1題)(參見Table 2)。題目所涉及的論題也是學(xué)生生活、學(xué)習(xí)中的常見話題,當(dāng)然也不會給我們帶來“驚艷”的感覺。就所選題目的題源而言,年代已然“久遠(yuǎn)”——最近的為2009年獻身江湖的題目。那這是正常呢還是正常呢還是很正常呢? 很正常?! ∮捎谀芫幦胙潘伎碱}的話題和論題有較強的限制性(此處省略xxx字),所以在每年的真實考試中能出現(xiàn)的新論題較少,新話題更少,很多時候是出題者將題庫中的舊有的論題重新改寫,(如換一角度或側(cè)重點等),變化延伸為“新”題目,重新投放每次的考試題庫當(dāng)中。因此,table 2中所展示的話題總結(jié)和題源分析就不足為奇了。下次在考場上,你可能還會碰到這些話題,甚至相似的論題,這也不足為奇,這一點已經(jīng)為歷年考試所證明,限于篇幅,就不在此鰲述相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)了。在此,需要提醒廣大要踏入江湖的考生,務(wù)虛熟悉各門各派的出招路數(shù),了解雅思話題出題的界門綱目科屬種,這樣才會游刃有余。
Table 2
在雅思考試中,閱讀考試是很容易拿到高分的, 在訓(xùn)練雅思閱讀的時候可以拿出雅思近期的真題來訓(xùn)練,小鐘老師分享了2023年6月17日雅思閱讀真題與答案。
Passage 1
Passage 2
15-18 選擇
15. 選silver ingots
16. 選it is difficult to obtain
17. 選it was evaluated higher price
18. 選the chief of a tribe
19. 選pour molten iron into sand mould
20-27 匹配
20. 配Tantrum
21. 配Oban's
22. 配Penny
23. 配Cross
24. 配Babylon
25. 配Japanese money tree
26. 配dog teeth
27. 配whale tooth
Passage 3
主題:Elephant communication
28-38 填空
28. hammer
29. body
30. pad
31. cavities
32. trunks and feet
33. infrasonic
34. ecology
35. sei*ic messages
36. acoustic communication
37. mate
38. ground
39-40 單選
39. A
40. C
培訓(xùn)類閱讀考試形式:IELTS 考試閱讀(培訓(xùn)類)部分共有三部分,文章難度由淺至深,考生需要回答40道題目。第一部分有14道題目,通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如廣告 等)。第二和第三部分分別有13道題目。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分則為一段較長的文章。文章內(nèi)容和題目均出現(xiàn)于問卷中。
1. 關(guān)于歐洲及世界社會發(fā)展,經(jīng)濟狀況,科學(xué)動向以及文化交流的文章
自1995年雅思考試的題型做出重大改革以后,有兩條原則就被命題的劍橋大學(xué)考試委員會(UCLES)反復(fù)強調(diào)非專業(yè)原則和國際化原則。為了使 不同地域,不同政治經(jīng)濟體制,不同膚色,不同文化背景的人能平等且毫無理解困難地參與雅思,法律及專業(yè)性較強的醫(yī)學(xué),生物學(xué),哲學(xué),文學(xué),藝術(shù)等的文章已 經(jīng)不再作為雅思的考查范圍。
2. 關(guān)于地球,自然界的科學(xué)現(xiàn)象及地理現(xiàn)象的文章
3. 人類歷史發(fā)展中重要事件,重要人物及重要標(biāo)志性產(chǎn)品。
例:At various points in evolutionary history, enterprising individuals within many different animal groups moved out onto the land, sometimes even to the most parched(炎熱的,干旱的) deserts, taking their own private seawater with them in blood and cellular(細(xì)胞的) fluids. (劍9 Test 1 Passage 3)。
如果句子包含兩個或更多互不依從的主謂結(jié)構(gòu),就是并列句。并列句中的分句通常用一個并列連詞來連接,最常見的并列連詞有and, or 和but。
例:An alien civilisation could choose many different ways of sending information across the galaxy(星系), but many of these either require too much energy, or else are severely attenuated (衰減的)while traversing the vast distances across the galaxy.(劍9 Test 1 Passage 2)。
例:Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it. (劍9 Test 1 Passage 2)。
可以參考:歷史教學(xué)新方法 New Ways of Teaching History
New Ways of Teaching History
In a technology and media-driven world, it's becoming increasinglydifficult to get our students’attentions andkeep them absorbed in classroom discussions. This generation, in particular,has brought a unique set of challenges to the educational table. Whereas youthare easily enraptured by high-definition television, computers, iPods, videogames and cell phones, they are less than enthralled by what to them areobsolete textbooks and boring classroom lectures. The question of how to teachhistory in a digital age is often contentious. On the one side, the old guardthinks the professional standards history is in mortal danger fromflash-in-the-pan challenges by the distal that are all show and no the other Side, the self-styled“disruptors”offer over-blown rhetoric about how digital technology has changedeverything while the moribund profession obstructs all progress in the name ofoutdated ideals. At least, that's a parody (maybe not much of one) of how thedebate proceeds. Both supporters and opponents of the digital share moredisciplinary common ground than either admits.
When provided with merely a textbook as a supplemental learning tool, testresults have revealed that most students fail to pinpoint the significance ofhistorical events and individuals. Fewer still are able to cite andsubstantiate primary historical sources. What does this say about the way oureducators are presenting information? The quotation comes from a report of a1917 test of 668 Texas students. Less than 10 percent of school-age childrenattended high school in 1917; today, enrollments are nearly universal. Thewhole world has turned on its head during the last century but one thing hasstayed the same: Young people remain woefully ignorant about history reflectedfrom their history tests. Guess what? Historians are ignorant too, especiallywhen we equate historical knowledge with the "Jeopardy" Daily a test, those specializing in American history did just fine. But those withspecialties in medieval, European and African history failed miserably whenconfronted by items about Fort Ticonderoga, the Olive Branch Petition, or theQuebec Act—all taken from a typical textbook. According to thetesters, the results from the recent National Asses*ent in History, likescores from earlier tests, show that young people are "aby*allyignorant" of their own history. Invoking the tragedy of last September,historian Diane Ravitch hitched her worries about our future to the idea thatour nation's strength is endangered by youth who do poorly on such tests. Butif she were correct, we could have gone down the tubes in 1917!
There is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we want then to know" and saying "Kids don'tknow history at all." Historical knowledge burrows itself into ourcultural pores even if young people can't marshal it when faced by a multiplechoice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites(or maybe if we were better historians) we'd have to admit that today'sstudents follow in our own footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that byrewriting textbooks we could change how history is learned. The problem,however, is not the content of textbooks but the very idea of them. No humanmind could retain the information crammed into these books in 1917, and it cando no better now. If we have learned anything from history that can be appliedto every time period, it is that the only constant is change. The teaching ofhistory, or any subject for that matter, is no exception. The question is nolonger whether to bring new technologies into everyday education; now, thequestion is which There is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we want then to know" and saying "Kids don'tknow history at all." Historical knowledge burrows itself into ourcultural pores even if young people can't marshal it when faced by a multiplechoice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites(or maybe if we were better historians) we'd have to admit that today'sstudents follow in our own footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that byrewriting textbooks we could change how history is learned. The problem,however, is not the content of textbooks but the very idea of them. No humanmind could retain the information crammed into these books in 1917, and it cando no better now. If we have learned anything from history that can be appliedto every time period, it is that the only constant is change. The teaching ofhistory, or any subject for that matter, is no exception. The question is nolonger whether to bring new technologies into everyday education; now, thequestion is which technologies are most suitable for the range of topicscovered in junior high and high school history classrooms. Fortunately,technology has provided us with opportunities to present our Civil War lessonplans or our American Revolution lesson plans in a variety of new ways.
Teachers can easily target and engage the learners of this generation byeffectively combining the study of history with innovative multimedia- PowerPointand presentations in particular can expand the scope of traditional classroomdiscussion by helping teachers to explain abstract concepts while accommodatingstudents* unique learning styles. PowerPoint study units that have beenpre-made for history classrooms include all manner of photos, prints, maps,audio clips, video clips and primary sources which help to make learninginteractive and stimulating. Presenting lessons in these enticing formats helpstechnology-driven students retain the historical information they'll need toknow for standard exams.
Whether you are covering Revolutionary War lesson plans or World War IIlesson plans, PowerPoint study units are available in formats to suit the needsof your classroom. Multimedia teaching instruments like PowerPoint software aregetting positive results the world over, framing conventional lectures withcaptivating written, auditory and visual content that helps students recallnames, dates and causal relationships within a historical context.
History continues to show us that new times bring new realities. Educationis no exception to the rule. The question is not whether to bring technologyinto the educational environment. Rather, the question is which technologiesare suitable for U.S. and world history subjects, from Civil War lesson plansto World War II lesson plans. Whether you’re covering your American Revolution lesson plans or your Cold War lessonplans, PowerPoint presentations are available in pre-packaged formats to suityour classroom's needs.
Meanwhile, some academic historians hold a different view on the use oftechnology in teaching history. One reason they hold is that not all facts canbe recorded by film or videos and literature is relatively feasible in thiscase her challenge they have to be faced with is the painful process tolearn new technology like the making of PowerPoint and the editing of audio andvideo clips which is also reasonable especially to some elderly historians.
Reading this passage has eight paragraphs, A- G
Choosing the correct heading for paragraphs A- G from the list of headingbelow
Write the appropriate number, i- x, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet
List of Headings
i unavoidable changing facts to be considered when picking up technologymeans
ii A debatable place where the new technologies stand in for historyteaching
iii Hard to attract students in traditional ways of teaching history
iv Display of the use of emerging multimedia as leaching tools
v Both students and professionals as candidates did not produce decentresults
vi A good concrete example illustrated to show how multimedia animates thehistory class
vii The comparisons of the new technologies applied in history class
viii Enormous breakthroughs in new technologies
ix Resistance of using new technologies from certain historian
x Decisions needed on which technique to be used for history teachinginstead of improvement in the textbooks
28 Paragraph A
29 Paragraph B
30 Paragraph C
31 Paragraph D
32 Paragraph E
33 Paragraph F
34 Paragraph G
Question 35-37
Do the following statements agree with the information given in ReadingPassage?
In boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement is true
NO if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
35 Modem people are belter at memorizing historical information comparedwith their ancestors.
36 New technologies applied in history- teaching are more vivid forstudents to memorize the details of historical events.
37 Conventional ways like literature arc gradually out of fashion as timegoes by.
Question 38-40
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, usingmore than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.
Contemporary students can be aimed at without many difficulties byintegrating studying history with novel. ..38.... Conventional classroomdiscussion is specially extended by two ways to assist the teachers tointerpret ...39... and at the same time retain students' distinct learningmodes. PowerPoint study units prepared beforehand comprising a wide variety ofelements make ...40.... learning feasible. Combined classes like this can alsobe helpful in taking required tests.
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